From the main menu;
Select Shop Management, then select Products.
Tap at the top Right menu the (extended menu\3 dots) and select Download Template.
The download process for the template begins, please wait as it downloads until it completes.
After the download is complete go mobile device apps then locate and select file manager or any other application you use to manage files on your phone.
From the file manager select internal storage/USB storage then locate a folder named OpenBusiness
Within the folder, you will find the template with the name of your business (e.g. tomfryzfastfoods.xlsx).
Alternatively, you can share the file through email and work on the file from a computer installed with (Microsoft office.)
- Access your email from a computer and download the products template file.
- From your computer go to your downloads folder and open the products file.
- Populate the new products each per row and save the file once you are through.
- Close the excel application on the computer.
- Navigate back to your downloads folder and share back the file via email(NB: an email account you can access from your android device)
- Go to your android device and access your email, download the template from here.
- Go back to your OpenBusiness app and login.
- From the main menu select Shop Management and under this select Products.
- From the Products, module go to the top-right menu (3 dots) and select Bulk upload
At the Center of the screen tap on Select File to Upload. Go to your internal storage/USB storage locate your Downloads folder and within your download folder select on the products file and wait until the bulk upload process is through.
- NB: If you never managed to select your bulk upload file.
- Go to Google Play store and Download WPS Office (
- From step 3 above. On your files explorer select Wps Office ,tap Open, select Phone locate your Downloads folder open the folder and locate your products file and select.
- wait for the upload process to take place to take place.(Until you get upload success screen)
- Or download Microsoft Excel on you phone from Google play store (
- Go to your devices apps locate File Manager ,go to your Internal storage/USB storage locate and open your download folder open the products Template file with the Microsoft excel you just downloaded.
- Populate\Add the new products on the file each per row and save once you are through.
- Go back to your OpenBusiness application and login.
- From the main menu go to Shop Management and select Products.
- Go to the products module and at the top right menu (3 dots) and select Bulk upload
- At the Center of the screen tap on Select File to Upload. Go to your internal storage/USB storage locate your download folder and within your download folder select on the products file and wait until the bulk upload process is through. NB: If you never managed to select your bulk upload file.
- Go to Google Play store and Download WPS Office (
- From step 4 above. On your files explorer select Wps Office ,tap Open, select Phone locate your Downloads folder open the folder and locate your products file and select.
- wait for the upload process to take place to take place
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